Saturday, June 16, 2007

More Why

Despite the high prices and iffy weather, I am constantly finding great reasons to love it here; the French Market which came to Wimbledon this weekend being but one of the more recent.

A itinerant gustatorial carnival, the good folks who run the market apparently drive over from France bearing fresh food, soap and wine. At the moment, the kids and I are enjoying a perfect baguette (from my perspective it's perfect, anyway) and pain du chocolat, which is a sort of flaky pastry with large chuks of chocolate inside.

For later, I bought blue brie (I've never even heard of this), sausage coated in black pepper, and a bottle of wine.

Let you think me too cosmopolitan, though, I should admit that when I purchased the sausage, I dusted of my high school French and apparently ordered a dead pigeon. Fortunately, I remembered my manners and said 'por favor'.

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