Saturday, June 16, 2007


It's funny the things you learn to live with, like the total absence of air conditioning on public transportation. But it's also funny the things you miss.

The new people moved into our house the other day. This is somewhat distressing for me because, silly as it sounds, I guess I felt like it was still ours and that we'd be going back to it at some point. Now I knew this wasn't the case, of course, particularly when the equity from the sale was deposited in our bank account, but still, knowing something and feeling it are two very different things. I miss the workbench I made when we moved in. It was one of my first projects, in that blissful time just after apartment living, when I was overly optimistic about how long it would take to build stuff.

Michele misses other things. We had our first visitor last week, our friend James. He very kindly brought us Goldfish crackers and Crystal Light lemonade. All the way from the States. Michele is still ecstatic, so are the kids.

There are other things you can't get here - paper napkins, refrigerated eggs. A decent cheesesteak. I guess we'll learn to live without those things. Maybe not the cheesesteak.

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