Friday, September 10, 2010

My First Album

Chill the Champers and break out the caviar, my band, Ritz Theatre, has finally put out its first album.  It was several years in the making, but it's sure to be a hit.  We called it 'Truth Has Beauty' because, well, truth does, and we thought that it sounded kind of cool.

Nah, that's a lot of crap.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have almost no musical talent whatsoever.  If you don't believe me, ask Maryann Miller, my first piano teacher.  She pulled my hair so hard when I didn't practice that I've now gone bald in the back.

Actually, my friend Simon over at turned me on to this complete and utter waste of time (but isn't anything that's fun a waste of time by definition?)

1.  Click here to go to a random Wikipedia article.  The title of the article is your band's name.

2.  Next, click here for a list of random quotations (and quite a few popups which will offer to sell you your credit score and deeply discounted Viagra.  Also one which will apparently make a photo of you look like Barbie on Ecstasy after a 48-hour rave.  Now THAT's a useful site.)  The last quotation in the list is your album title.  I took some liberties with mine, since it was overly long.  Something about truth having beauty and frogs having warts or somesuch.

3.  Finally, click here for a page of photos on Flickr that have been uploaded in the past 7 days.  The third photo is your cover art.

4.  (Optional) if you're a total geek who's sitting at home on a Friday night waiting for the Ocado guy to turn up because you can't be arsed getting yourself to the grocery store, break out your favourite image editor and whip up your cover.  Even if you don't go to this pitiable extreme, I'd be interested to hear what your band and album title are.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe because I'm a geek who's sitting at home on a Friday night waiting for a grocery delivery.

'Ritz Theatre' is actually a kind of catchy name for a band, I think, though it seems unlikely to make it to the O2.  It's certainly better than my second attempt, which would have had my band called 'Rikke Emma Niebuhr'.  Take that, Björk.  Rikke's album was titled 'What Children Take', and the photo was of, get this, a praying mantis - the female praying mantis cannibalizes her mate.  How appropriate.  It's on Wikipedia, so it must be true.


1 comment:

Jo said...

Band name "Odour of Chrysanthemums"

Album Title "Doublecross that Bridge"

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