Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bully Update

So here's what we've done so far.

- I had a talk with Caroline to let her know that we're on her side and that we're going to help her stop this sort of thing happening. I also let her know that Olive has no right to push her, or anyone else around. This conversation was a little difficult because I had to explain the concept of a 'right', which is pretty abstract for a 6 year old.
- Michele made an appointment for us to discuss the situation with Caroline's teacher.
- I practiced 'Hey, don't push me!' with Caroline until she could say it loudly and firmly.

I realized tonight that maybe my initial reluctance to deal with this situation myself was because it sort of forces me to relive the memory of being picked on. I wouldn't be much of a parent, though, if I let that stand in my way.

There were no more incidents today. We'll see how it goes.

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