Sunday, January 6, 2008

Towards a New Holiday

Michael likes to give us presents. Today he wrapped his bear, three rubber balls and a matchbox car in a box and gave it to me.
"Thanks, Michael. What's this present for?"
"I Love You Day."

Hey, what a great holiday!

January's a crappy month. January is cold and dark and grey. January is the Monday of months. It needs a decent holiday. Oh, sure, you US residents have your Martin Luther King Day and all, but how do you celebrate that? Do you go to the library to read up on the late Dr. King's tireless efforts to help America's blacks better their status without resorting to violence? Do you spend time in quiet contemplation of your great good fortune? Hell, do you even have a barbeque?

Yes, I think we'll celebrate I Love You Day every year from now on. I hope you'll join us. Here's the tradition: you give something you already own to someone you love. You'll wrap it in something informal, like a newspaper or a blanket. Under no circumstances will you give a card. Hopefully this will keep those parasites at Hallmark from exploiting this holiday like they've done to so many others. If you need proof of this exploitation, consider Halloween cards. Give me a break.

Happy I Love You Day. I didn't get you anything, but I do love you.


Anonymous said...

That is adorable! So is I Love You Day celebrated on a certain day each year? Or do we just wait for an especially gloomy day in January and spontaneously declare it I Love You Day?

Paul said...

I think you can just pick any day you like. That's part of the fun. -Paul