Saturday, May 26, 2007

More Travelogue

Today, we went to the London Borough market. It's held every weekend near London Bridge. Don't worry, it showed no signs of imminent collapse. The market is really the embodiment everything we moved to London for - food, wine, interesting people. We bought far more than we can actually use, but it was great fun, prowling the stalls, talking to the vendors, noshing on the free samples. As you can see from the pictures, Michael and Caroline enjoyed the market, too.

Probably my favorite thing about the market today was buying wine. It was only £3 for a bottle, and that includes a £2 deposit. It may not be great, but for a quid, who cares?

We didn't see a quarter of what there was to see, but we wandered out and into the churchyard of Southwark Cathedral, where we sat on a bench and noshed on the sausage I'd just bought on impulse. Delish!

I needed a toilet, so I went for a wander while the kids chased pigeons at the cathedral. Along the way, I found a replica of Sir Francis Drake's ship. The kids LOVED it. They had me going up and down the steps, crawling through the gun deck (which is no more than about 5 feet high, and bashing my head on just about everything in sight. It was great fun as you can see from these...

Once we'd had enough of the sailor's life, we retired to the nearby Thameside pub for a very pubby lunch of fish and chips and mashy peas(with an ale for me). Unfortunately, we had to sit outside, much to the children's dismay, as it was a little breezy. Lunch wasn't exactly pleasant, what with the kids whingeing about being cold and alternately loving and hating the fish, but we made it through without anyone getting thrown overboard.

Despite the less than ideal lunch, it was still a great day. We really do like living here...

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