Wednesday, July 7, 2010


A prerogative of being the author of this blog is that I have the right to brag unabashedly about my children.  Normally, I try to do so subtly, but not today.  The below were written by Caroline and Michael for inclusion in their school's Book Week 2010 publication.

The Gruffalo
By Michael
He has big orange eyes.
He has a big fat belly because he likes owl icecream.
He is greedy

Mom and Dad
By Caroline
You are the cookie crumble in my chocolate,
The sweetness in my lemonade,
The sunshine in Havertown,
And the beauty in the petunia.

You are the hotness in the summer,
The blue on my dress,
And the grey on the dolphin.

That is why I love you.


Mrs Down the Road said...

Great poems from great kids!

Clive O'Riordan said...

That's really nice.