Thursday, December 31, 2009

So long, 2009. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

I wasn't sorry to see the back of 2008. 2009's been an even more interesting year. By 'interesting', I mean 'shite'. But the more well-balanced of my friends tell me that it's always a worthwhile exercise to focus on the long term; so here, in the waning hours of the last year of the decade, is my brief, off-the-top-of-my-head inventory of the ten years just passed.

- Y2K-related disasters: 0
- Children: 2
- Houses bought: 1
- Houses sold: 1
- Cars: 6
- Moves: 3
- International moves: 1
- Jobs lost: 1
- Jobs found: 1
- Dirty diapers changed: ~4,000
- Kitchens remodeled: 1
- Kitchens I wish I could remodel: 1 (the current one)
- Countries visited: 11
- Grandparents lost: 1
- Hours commuting: ~6,000
- Blog posts: 111
- Photos: 27,198
- Fender benders: 1 (today)
- Facebook friends: 333

I guess the Noughties haven't been all good, but they haven't been all bad either. I suppose that in any period of time, there will be highs and lows, but on average, things have a way of balancing themselves out.

I hope that you have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010.

First there was the recession-induced belt-tightening. Then I lost my job. I found it again pretty quickly, but there was a pretty touchy eight-week period.

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